About Us

Basketball Reveals Character!
Dr. James Naismith
Naismith International Basketball Foundation
We are the ambassadors of the game our founder’s grandfather invented. We are here to protect its Integrity, Moral Values, and Dignity—honoring who, what, where, when, and why the game was invented. Our mission is to work tirelessly to help and motivate at-risk inner-city youth in reaching their full potential through education, community participation, and reducing recidivism in youth detention centers.
We will educate and inspire everyone about the importance of good sportsmanship, building team camaraderie, and most importantly, ALWAYS HAVING FUN! At the same time, we aim to assist all those in need—addressing mental health concerns, preventing thoughts of self-harm, and providing support to mentally, physically, and emotionally challenged students, athletes, adults, and children who love this game.
Dr. Naismith’s life was a Renaissance man’s life, and his timeline is deeply aligned with our mission. The world needs to hear his story and embrace his legacy!
President Perdomo
#KidsNeedBasketball #BasketballNeedsKids #BasketballNeverStops!!! #BlackMamba#4ever#2020
Ian Naismith
Ian Naismith, Grandson of Dr. James Naismith, says that the qualities that Kay Yow, Dean Smith and Mike Krzyzewski possess is exactly what the Naismith Sportsmanship Award is all about.
Source: 7:42 p.m., Jun 20, 2011
Last known interview with our founder, Ian Naismith.